Monday, May 22, 2006

Support the Orange Card Amendment

This is a last-minute appeal for you to support important immigration legislation being considered as you read this by the U.S. Senate. As you know, the House passed immigration legislation that would build a hugely expensive and probably ineffective border fence. It would also criminalize church groups who give any aid including food and medicine to undocumented immigrants.

Our own Tennessee Immigration and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) will be meeting with legislators this week to seek their support. Watch for news stories about this. Reply by email if your church or civic group would like to join Knoxville’s Church of the Savior and others in supporting a humane immigration policy.

Senator Feinstein has introduced the Orange Card amendment that would allow all current illegals a path to citizenship, and prevent families from being separated and otherwise law-abiding immigrants from being deported. The Hegel-Martinez bill now before the Senate is not workable because it would require 4.8 million of the foreign workers in the country to return home before applying for citizenship. I urge you to support the Feinstein Orange Card amendment.

You can help support humane immigration reform by calling your senators today and using the following script:

“Hello my name is (Your NAME) and I am calling from (Your CITY & STATE). I support Senator Feinstein’s Orange Card amendment and strongly urge you vote in favor of a simple and single process that will allow all 12 million undocumented immigrants to legalize their status. This amendment will give undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, keep families together and protect immigrants’ rights to due process. Thank you.”

Here are the numbers for Tennessee. Please call NOW and politely urge support for same immigration reform. Our country is a nation of immigrants. Let’s not become a nation of xenophobes.

Senator Frist
D.C. Office (202) 224–3344
Nashville (615) 352–9411

Senator Alexander
D.C. Office (202) 224–4944
Nashville (615) 736–5129


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