Ford Gets Fighting Mad
Normally West Tennessean Harold Ford Jr. is verrrry cool. But Friday night he finally got hot. Harold Ford Jr. is touted as Tennessee’s next Senator to replace Bush apologist Frist. Like like fellow Tennessean Al Gore, he’s a cool-headed Washington insider known more for what he isn’t than what he is.
But Friday night, after a sleepless night on the floor, when senior Congressman and veteran Jack Murtha was insulted by Ohio GOP Rep. Jean Shmidt, tempters flared like nobody’s seen in the house in decades. Among the Dems who rushed to defend Murtha, almost attacking GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo, was our own cool-headed Tennessean Harold Ford Jr. He had to be restrained, according to reports.
There’s plenty to get pissed off at the GOP over: a deceptive war policy, an incompetent response to Katrina, a scandal-ridden cabinet, and continued tax cuts for the rich and program cuts for the poor. We need strategists who can make smart decisions and build consensus in a sharply divided nation. But I think America is also wants a leader with a passion to fight for what’s right. Now we know Harold Ford can come out swinging.
I am proud of our rep.-i wish i could have been there with him.As an airborne ranger V.N. combat vet,there is nothing that makes me angrier than wannabes,rear eschelon wimps,and draft dodgers who question the metal of REAL combat soldiers.
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