A Democratic Call to Arms
Democrats are finally getting the message to stand and fight. Last week Senate Minority leader Harry Reid put the Senate into closed session to hold GOP feet to the fire over Bush’s intelligence bungles in the lead-up to the war. The email response from the grassroots has been overwhelming.
“Wasn’t it great!?! Go to Harry’s “give ’em hell” website and give him some love. I watched with tears and rapt attention. So proud to be an American, if only for today.”
— Blueneck Anne
“I whole-heartedly agree! [regarding a dem filluster over Alito] Now is the time!”
— Blueneck cybersaur
On the national level, Democratioc leadership is energizing their base and are loaded for bear.
“Karl Rove still works in the White House, the oil companies are still writing the energy laws, and there is still no exit strategy for Iraq.”
— Nancy Pilosi
“…Republicans thought it was business as usual Tuesday afternoon when Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid took to the floor of the Senate to comment on Iraq. Then a modern day Boston Tea Party began.”
— Tom Matzie, MoveOn
“For the next twelve months Harry Reid will be taking the lead on the Senate floor— and for the next twelve months you need to take the lead in your community. Sign up to host a meeting on November 15th that will kick off twelve months of unprecedented, intense organizing in all 50 states.”
— Howard Dean
The Democratic National Committee has put up a website to set up kick-off events nationwide on November 15. Dean is planning a conference call to rally the troops. I plan to be at my local event, but so far there are only two events in all of Tennessee. Kick things off in your area by hosting an event. It’s time to stop bitching and start doing something!
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