Friday, December 16, 2005

On the Fourth Day of Christmas…

On the fourth day of Christmas
The Bluenecks gave to me
Better education…

A An anti-torture law
A budget with a heart
And a rebuilt New Orleans

Bush says he wants a “quality teacher in every classroom.” Sounds good. Who could be against that right? The trouble is that No Child Left Behind does little or nothing to make that happen.

Howard Dean supports the actions of a task force formed by the Center for American Progress and the Institute for America’s Future. Their report, unveiled last August, includesa series of ambitious reforms for overhauling public education in America.

Connecticut’s Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against the Department of Education challenging the unfunded mandates in Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act.

What can Bluenecks do?
Speak up at School Board Meetings about the unfunded mandate of NCLB. Write your Congressman to ask for more funding for our children’s education.


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