Thursday, August 25, 2005

Dear Congressman Hagel

Write your thanks to Chuck Hegel, a Republican Congressman and a Vietnam vet from Nebraska who is speaking up against his own party. Here’s my email sent today:

Dear Congressman Hagel:

Thank you for having the courage to compare this war to Vietnam. While other GOPs like Frist are still saying we need to “take the war to the terrorists,” you have spoken truth to power. The “war on terror” was supposed to capture Bin Laden, and America is wondering—what happened to him?

Instead we spent over $189 billion to invade and occupy a country that had attacked nobody. To punish Saddam for ignoring the UN we ignored the UN ourselves and bombed Baghdad. There were no WMDs, no Iraqi nukes, and no connection with 9/11. Now our soldiers are dying, a constitution is still not ready for adoption, and America has lost respect from it’s allies.

A recent study by the Pentagon’s Defense Science Task Force on Strategic Communications states that ‛American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended.’ This Pentagon report flatly states that our war in Iraq actually has elevated support for radical Islamists. As a Veteran I’m sure you understand the danger our troops have been placed in by a misleading war policy.

I urge you to continue to speak out against this war and to consider supporting Republican Congressmen Walter Jones (R-NC) and Ron Paul (R-TX) , sponsors the Homeward Bound Act with Democrats Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI).


Todd Duren


Blogger Morgan said...

good work boys! ferret out the truth.

9:01 PM, August 25, 2005  

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