Sunday, August 21, 2005

What Now, Losers?

OK, Democrats, here’s the deal. You’re the party of our parents and my grandparents, but you’ve lost widespread support from the generations that grew up with Reagan. You’ve lost the White House twice to a third-rate candidate who first lost the popular vote and was re-elected as a “War President.” You’ve completely lost the South. You’ve lost major labor states like Ohio. You’ve lost the Senate, the House, as well as the majority of state legislatures and governorships. So what do you plan to do about it, you losers?

The chips are down, and your back is against the wall. We Americans love a winner, but we love a come-from-behind winner even more. We’re looking for fourth-quarter miracles and candidates with heart. If the party can provide those candidates, we can wipe the floor with the GOP. It will be Rocky, Sea Bisquit, and the Bad News Bears all rolled into one.

Here’s our Blueneck to-do list for Democrats. It really ain’t complicated. so give it a read, you losers.

  • Show some backbone. Paul Hackett did it when he called Bush a “chickenhawk SOB.” Don’t back away from a fight.

  • Speak out against White House war policy. It is illegal. It is based on lies. It is devolving toward civil war. Our soldiers are dying and the White House has abandoned it goals there.

  • Focus on the pocketbook issues like taxes, minimum wage, worker’s rights, and affordable health care for all.

  • Talk about the price of gas and renewable energy! This is the number one pocketbook issue right now. Make it a patriotic duty to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.

  • Preach that tolerance is a family value. The Civil Rights legacy should be continued with women’s rights and gay rights. Reject “marriage bills” and talk about gay rights as American Rights.

  • Stop being afraid to lose. Stand up for democratic principles regardless of the polls. Make unpopular stands. Be consistent. Voters would rather see us lose with strength and conviction than win by imitating the GOP.

  • Stop acting like Republicans. Help the poor, fight for strong public schools, educate the public on real healthcare reforms.

  • Talk ethics, morality and spirituality. God is not a member of the Republican Party. Dems should talk about “beliefs” not just “policies.” Believe in what you say and speak with conviction.

  • Stop boring people. Gore did it in 2000. Let’s not make that mistake again. We want candidates with heart and personality.

  • Give America a heartfelt civics lesson. What would universal healthcare really mean? Who will be paying for the staggering budget deficit? What are justifications for going to war? What does the word “liberal” really mean?

  • Pay attention to the Southern leaders you still have in the South. John Edwards hit all the right themes of economic and social justice.

  • Remind us of our past accomplishments. Franklin Roosevelt saved America from the depression and won WWII. President Kennedy signed a nuclear test ban treaty, created the Peace Corps and inspired liberal values. Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill. Jimmy Carter got a peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel. President Clinton created jobs, balanced the budget, and paid off the national debt.

  • Show us some new accomplishments. Barack Obama inspired us at the ’04 Democratic convention. Howard Dean demanded change in party leadership and energized grassroots supporters. Paul Hackett showed us how to speak truth to power and run a great underdog campaign.

post your suggestions for Democrats by clicking the "comments" link below. — T


Blogger Todd Duren said...

Thanks for the "Let's Roll, William!"

I seem to remember a guy named Ronald Reagan running on ballancing the budget. He gave us more deficit spending than any President before him. It took a "tax-and-spend" Democrat named Bill Clinton to ballance the budget and pay off the national debt.

If he hadn't gotten a blow job he would be a national hero!

6:21 PM, August 22, 2005  
Blogger Todd Duren said...

Thanks for the kudos. Keep it copacetic!

7:58 PM, August 25, 2005  

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