Saturday, November 04, 2006

I’m Calling for Change

mainphoto_c4cbabyToday I did some volunteer work to help win Congress back from the GOP. I was calling voters in North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District, where Democrat and former University of Tennessee football player Heath Shuler is running against long-time incumbent Charles Taylor.

It was really easy to do, and I got a warm response from everybody who answered. organized this Call for Change program. All I did was click buttons on a website to get the numbers. The website gives you the basic things to say, but encourages you to be real and honest, unlike a recent robot push poll call I got from Bob Corker’s campaign. I talked to some folks who sounded African American and were already supporting Heath Shuler. I could even tell the callers where their polling place is!

If some of my Blueneck friends want to get involved, go to the MoveOn website and click on the Call for Change link at the top. It’s really easy and only costs a little time and some long distance minutes on your calling plan. And on Tuesday night when you’re watching the returns you can know you did your part to help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recommend that you make get-out-the-vote calls on behalf of your local Democratic Party and not is bad news. There is a huge scandal about its Action Forum serving as a platform for racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, and anti-Evangelical hate speech. When I say "anti-Semitic," I do not mean criticism of Israel or Zionism but statements about Jews, including a blood libel. When I say "anti-Catholic," I do not mean pro-choice but, for example, calling the Pope a Nazi.

No self-respecting Democrat would associate with if they knew what it was really doing. Needless to say, sort of forgot to tell grassroots volunteers like you about this little problem it was having.

12:44 PM, November 04, 2006  
Blogger Todd Duren said...

This is pure bullshit. I support MoveOn 100% as a true grassroots progressive organization that is NOT anti-Semitic. Read the Jewish-led petition in response to this slander online at

The statement reads on part: “As American Jews, we condemn the manipulation of fear of antisemitism for political gain, including the recent campaign against the online movement We stand for the Jewish value of placing hope over fear by expanding opportunity and creating justice for all Americans.”

1:04 PM, November 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy's been copying and pasting the same anti-MoveOn spam all over the place. I'd be willing to bet that he's a lonely little Astroturfing wingnut with an axe to grind against George Soros.

Pay him no mind. You're doing good work.

3:36 PM, November 04, 2006  

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