Thursday, August 10, 2006

Gimme That Old-Time Dissent

protestCheck out Joshua Micah Marshall’s articlein Time on how Lieberman lost the nomination the old-fashioned way — by getting too comfortable with Washington insiders and losing touch with his constituents back home. Here’s a quote:
Many pundits claim that Lieberman’s defeat is a replay of the way Democrats tore themselves apart over Vietnam. It’s an appealing thought for Republicans. And it has got nice drama. But those pundits are either being disingenuous or are caught in a time warp. Democrats are actually fairly united on the Iraq War in their opposition to it — which is actually where most Americans are right now. And though many Senators are not as full-throated in their opposition as the base of the party, you don’t see any successful challenges being made against other Senators who aren’t ready to bring the troops home.


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