Sunday, October 09, 2005

Come out Knoxville!

If you're as sick as I am of the right-wing tirades against gay rights, you should "come out" and make a statement at this Saturday's "Come Out Knoxville!" march. I'm proud to say my mayor--Bill Haslam--will be speaking. At 1:30pm hundreds of Knoxvillians will gather on the north side of Market Square and march down Gay Street. If you have not made plans yet, I urge you come out and publicly support full rights for our gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community with your presence. My family and I will be there.

If you are like me and you're looking for a way to support gay rights as a straight person, I've just designed a t-shirt you can purchase for the event and continue to wear afterward. It carries the message "Straight not Narrow" in primary colors. I make no money from the sale of these shirts, and they are available online at the Bluenecks gear store. Order now to allow time for shipping in time for the weekend rally.

Thanks, and I hope to see you downtown on Saturday!


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