Thursday, July 14, 2005

Blogging the Iraq War

Since the London bombings I’ve been reading blogs all over the world, hearing a wide variety voices on the Iraq War.

There’s the Egyptian who hates terrorism but doesn’t trust Bush’s war policy. There’s the gung ho soldier who believes in his President and drives his Humvee on the wrong side of the road British style after the London bombings. There’s the Iraqi expatriot wife who has returned since Saddam’s overthrow but cannot leave the Green Zone. There’s the American Army wife in the U.S. who pretends things are normal and waits for the day that that’s really true. There’s the Marine in Afghanistan who blogged to update everyone back home when the helicopter was shot dow near the Pakistan border. There’s the Iraqi teenager who has blogged her way from Shock and Awe to the elections. There’s the American intelligence officer who listens to jazz, writes eloquent emails and hopes to improve things for his country and the Iraqis he sees daily.

I’m going to be away for a week, so Gary can’t blog either since he hasn’t worked all the kinks out yet. While I’m gone I hope you’ll take time to listen to a few of the voices out there in cyberspace. -T

Mahmood’s Den

Free Thoughts on Iran

From Cairo with Love

Iraqi Expat

The Green Side


Mental Mahem

Baghdad Burning

Wires: Desperately Rebuilding Iraq

Iraq at a Glance

Healing in Iraq

The Mesopotamian by Alaa

Iraq the Model

Neurotic Iraqi Wife

A Family in Baghdad

An Army Wife Life

Black Five

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellu

Major K

Firepower Forward

365 and a Wake-Up

Fun with Hand Grenades


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